These Crazy Celebrity Facts You Won’t Believe Are True

These Crazy Celebrity Facts You Won’t Believe Are True


There are other celebrities that do, because they play sports, maintain a balanced diet and lead a healthy lifestyle that allows them to enjoy toned, sexy and striking bodies that make them proud of their curves.Not all Hollywood celebrities enjoy a sculptural body without undergoing any surgery.

Today we show you the famous ones with the best curves in Hollywood .

Chris Evans

  1. Chris Evans has a big heart: Chris Evans has made hundreds of sick children at Seatle Children’s Hospital happy since he has not only visited them but also brought them toys and took pictures with them wearing their Captain America costume.

He has also raised funds for this health institution.

  1. Not a fan of comics: A curious fact about Chris Evans? Despite having brought major superheroes like Captain America and the Human Torch to the big screen, the comics never caught his attention. He says he has never read one.
  2. His rejection: Despite his great talent and obvious appeal, he has not always done well in his auditions. Chris Evans age is not too much when he tried to get the role of Drew Baylor, in the movie Elizabethtown, but they preferred Orlando Bloom. He also tried to get the character of Scott Smith in Milk, but James Franco was the director’s favourite.
  3. Sports lover: As expected, he loves to exercise and is a sportsman. He loves running and has practiced basketball, soccer, and lacrosse.
  4. He is very spiritual: As a curious fact, the actor has confessed that through meditation, yoga, and religion he has improved as a person. And, therefore, he decides to practice them regularly.

Jessica Alba

Another famous woman who prepared her body very well for the Sin City 2 movie was Jessica Alba, who after two daughters proved to be able to preserve her enviable body. The actress leads a very healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and daily workouts. For the film she worked with a professional trainer and incorporated dance routines.

Zoe Saldana

Actress Zoe Saldana is another famous woman who manages to look strong and attractive without exaggeration.

Julianne Hough

The dancer and actress Julianne Hough has a fabulous body, not only for dedicating herself to dance for years but also for training daily and varying gymnastics styles to burn calories and achieve a super toned body.

Kate Beckinsale

Actress Kate Beckinsale remains sexier every day and time does not seem to pass for her.

From intense workouts to a yoga routine, the actress balances different disciplines for a healthy lifestyle and a very enviable body.

He trains every day and has incredible abs thanks to his effort and dedication. Without a doubt, an example to follow to be consistent in the gym.

Jessica Biel

Actress Jessica Biel is another Hollywood celebrity with an enviable body.It manages to maintain its spectacular feminine curves and its toned body working with a professional trainer and with outdoor exercises.

Scarlett Johansson

The figure of the voluptuous Scarlett Johansson is the attraction of all men and the envy of all women.He keeps fit with an almost vegetarian diet and hard combat training that allowed him to show off a dreamlike body in The Avengers.

Emma Watson

  1. Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson was born in Paris, where she lived until she was 5 years old until her parents divorced. Later, he moved to Oxford with his mother and his brother Alex (his vivid reflection in the male version).
  2. Emma Watson age is 6, he began studying theatre, singing, and dancing. At ten, the castings for the Harry Potter saga began, and after 8 tests, she was chosen to go to Hogwarts as Hermione. It was his debut and his release to world fame.
  3. After Harry Potter, the only priority to me was college, he said. And, during the filming, she received private lessons, she was not sure she wanted to be an actress and she was overwhelmed by fame (at 19, she was the highest-paid actress). In 2014 he graduated in English Philology at Brown: there he was never asked for an autograph.
  4. In 2005 she was the youngest girl to pose for Teen Vogue. It has been an image of Burberry and Lancôme. It is it (and eco) girl that gives voice to ‘The Green Carpet Challenge’, an initiative that promotes the use of responsible, sustainable and ecological fashion. In his Instagram account, he has shown his looks from responsible firms.
  5. The first film that starred after the magic saga was The advantages of being an outcast, and acted for Sofia Coppola in The Bling Ring, heading towards independent cinema; although he also wants to try a romantic comedy: “But it should be peculiar, like Notting Hill, ” he said.


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