Leila Janah As A Social Entrepreneur And Founder Of Companies

Leila Janah As A Social Entrepreneur And Founder Of Companies


Private and government companies as well as individuals like the late Leila Janah are trying their best to conduct training, free education, housing project, and medical assistance to the needy but due to the countless population of poor families, it still a problem. Poverty has always been an issue in different parts of the world, especially in Africa and Asia that’s why social entrepreneurs continue raising funds for their mission in those areas. We are so lucky because there are generous people who started good deeds and through Leila’s legacy, those whom she left will continue helping more people.

This lady has spent years and a lot of effort in providing jobs to the poor because that is her passion and career as a social entrepreneur. If you are going to look at Leila Janah, she is very simple, humble, and mingles with other people no matter where or how the community is. Let’ say that she knows how to reach out to needy people, so she is close to the poor and talks to them without hesitation.

But her death saddened thousands of families because they love and honor Leila Janah – the person who gives hope and strength to the poor. She died due to cancer and only spent 37 years in this world but she has done a lot of excellent things and has left the world with great contributions to society. Pretty sure that she will keep watching from above because what she has started must go on and continue to grow.

What Social Entrepreneur means

Social entrepreneurship is an approach where individuals or entrepreneurs, organizations, and companies develop or provide solutions on various environmental, community, or cultural issues in a particular area. What is important here is your willingness to extend a hand in various sectors, such as community development, health care, and poverty alleviation. If you are one of them, either a founder, co-founder, OIC or member, then you are called a social entrepreneur with aims and goals to help – go to https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/social-entrepreneur.asp to continue reading.

Most of the entrepreneurs fund a non-profit organization, though it also needs a profit for a good cause since they need to support their goals so it is not for their benefit. For example, Leila Janah aims at employing the poor, so she started digital sourcing and hired them. In this way, she can help them earn more.

This is already facilitated online through sites and networking. There are websites where entrepreneurs with the same goals meet each other, share ideas, organize events, and encourage others to support their projects.

Founded Companies

Samasource is a company related to digital convergence and artificial intelligence that employed about 3000 individuals who arelocated in India, Uganda, and Kenya. She used to teach in such countries and have seen their potential so Leila Janah believes that being poor cannot affect one’s intelligence or skills because they are capable of working and this will uplift the economy in their country. Let’s say that half of the employed are women and they have contracts under known companies, such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Walmart to name a few.

She also founded the Samaschool which is also a non-profit organization and aimed to train the needy in the computer field. Here, the young and old will have training in digital skills which would be helpful in digital or online related jobs because this is what will make them confident and reliable. Before offering them a job, it would be great to have formal training and this is true in any field of job that a person will apply for.

Another important company she founded is the LXMI to promote the use of organic and natural skincare products, and this is great because it is beneficial to our skin, though ladies with nut allergies should be very cautious about it. What gave her an idea to incorporate ingredients like nuts in formulating cosmetics is when she had seen the locals of Benin who are harvesting Nilotica nuts– find out more about this ingredient. In fact, this is a wonderful idea because employing them would mean a lot to the residents of Uganda since she gave them a fair salary.


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